
Scouting Alumni provides learning opportunities for Council Alumni Committee volunteers and professional advisors. These opportunities include: 

Available Presentations

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Online Training

Online training is available at the Scouting America learning center found on After logging in, click on the Scouting America learning center link, then select catalog and search for alumni. The online courses will be listed.

Access the main menu of the learning center here: or click the button below.  If not already logged in, you will be taken to the log in page first. If you do not have a account, you will need to register before taking the training

National Training Conferences

A conference entitled Alumni/NESA – Do you want to not just add, but multiply your volunteer, members, donors, & advocates? is offered at the Philmont Training Center. At present that is the only location where this conference is being offered. Information about the conference can be found at  or click the button below.

Expansion to other national training centers is anticipated in the future. Announcements of all future conferences will be published on the Scouting Alumni website.

Youth Protection Training

The Scouting America have developed a robust and highly effective training program addressing all forms of child abuse. This training is a bi-annual requirement for all registered adult members of Scouting America. The program is also made available to other youth serving organization and the public. It is strongly recommended that alumni take this training, particularly if you will be having direct youth contact. A my.scouting account is required to take this training. If you do not have a my.scouting account you will need to register before taking the training. Membership in Scouting America is not required to register. The training is found at

Webinars and AL Talks

Over the years Scouting Alumni has put on several informational Webinars and Presentations called “AL” talks. Additional presentations will be coming in the future, and they will be announced on the Scouting Alumni website, the Facebook page, and the alumni version of Scouting Wire.