Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Ferlinghetti received his Eagle in the 1930’s and is an American poet, painter, liberal activists, author and publisher. He was born in Yonkers New York in 1919.

Ferlinghetti’s childhood was far from ideal. His father died before Lawrence was born. His mother was committed to an insane asylum when he was a baby. So, he was raised by his Aunt.To add to the challenge of growing up without parents, Lawrence also lived in an orphanage for a short time while his aunt looked for work.

He overcame these adversities and stayed in Scouting. He received his Eagle in the 1930’s and went on to the University of North Carolina. After college, he joined the Navy, served during World War II and completed his master’s degree on the GI bill.

He moved to San Francisco in 1953 and taught French. But he was a painter, a poet, and a liberal activist. So he followed his passion and opened a book store in San Francisco called City Lights Bookstore. Ferlinghetti’s most famous book was “A Coney Island of the Mind.” But he published dozens more. And he also got into the publishing business to help other struggling poets and writers.