Norman Joseph Woodland : Inventor of the Barcode

Norman Joseph Woodland, inspired by scouting principles, revolutionized industries with his barcode invention. His journey from sand-drawn ideas to global innovation exemplifies scouting values of perseverance, ingenuity, and problem-solving.

Paul Siple: From Boy Scout to Antarctic Explorer

Paul Siple, born in 1908, transformed from a Boy Scout to a renowned Antarctic explorer. Siple’s legacy inspires scouts worldwide, exemplifying the enduring power of scouting values and perseverance.

Introducing the Council Distinguished Alumnus Award

The Council Distinguished Alumnus Award honors Alumni who have demonstrated and inspired others through their positive actions, accomplishments, and devotion to their profession, hobby, community, and beliefs. In other words, it recognizes BSA Alumni who use the skills they have learned from Scouting to positively impact the community.