Council Alumnus of the Year

Mighty oaks from little acorns grow…

The Council Alumnus of the Year Award features an acorn, a reminder that Scouts and Scouters plant trees under which they may never sit.

It is in that vein that the award was created as it recognizes those that promote and share the gift of Scouting through their careers, avocations, and their influence.

The Council Alumnus of the Year Award is different from other awards in Scouting as it does not simply recognize the individual for being a distinguished person or honor those giving time and energy to Scouting America as a volunteer leader; Scouting already has awards that do that. It is more of a combination between the two.


Primary consideration (80%) is given to those that:

  • Remind Scouting alumni to maintain a lifetime relationship with Scouting, which enables Scouting to remain healthy for future generations.
  • Scouting promotion, contributing significantly to the promotion and/or advancement of the alumni program and activities at a Council level over a sustained period-of-time through word and/or deed.
  • Bring Scouting Alumni back to the Campfire.

Secondary consideration (20%) is given to:

  • Career and/or avocation, such as achieving high honor or distinction in their chosen profession.
  • Community service, including contributions to Scouting or other community efforts or organizations.

How to Get the Award

  • Nominees must be an alumnus – which means he or she has been positively and personally impacted by Scouting in some way.
  • A maximum of one recipient may be awarded per council per year.
  • The nomination is not to be submitted posthumously.
  • Nominations are submitted to the individual Council Alumni Committee for Their selection process.
  • Approved nominations are forwarded to the Alumni Association Committee for consideration. Those approved will be returned with a personalized certificate and be added to the list of Council Alumnus of the Year recipients.

Supply Item Description and Uniform Placement

A knot device, to be placed on the Alumni Award Knot if earned; lapel pin for civilian wear. The Alumni Award Knot is a separate award and is not automatically earned by earning the Council Alumnus of the Year award. 

Supply/BIN Item No.

The Council Alumnus of the Year medal (SKU: 621294) and lapel pin with removable device (SKU: 621089) can be ordered by the council on National Supply’s business to business website aka distributer site. A separate knot device (SKU: 657423) is available for those who earned the Alumni Award.

Council Alumnus of the Year Award Recipients

Listed alphabetically by council. Multiple council awards in a single year are due to council mergers.

Council NameYearNameCST*
Alabama-Florida2018Charles G. Ciccarelli16
Alabama-Florida2019Fred P. Barkett16
Alabama-Florida2021Cecilia Ciccarelli16
Alabama-Florida2022Scott E. Brewster16
Alamo Area2018John W. "JT" Thomas, MD7
Alamo Area2021Michael Moore7
Alamo Area 2023Renee Greer7
Aloha2016Robert Fujimoto3
Aloha2017Barry K. Taniguchi3
Aloha2018Helen S. Shirota-Benevides3
Aloha2019Robert C. Leopoldino3
Anthony Wayne Area2018Bryan Lineberry9
Anthony Wayne Area2020Brian Monnier9
Baden Powell 2022Harry Weldon10
Baden-Powell2020Michael Dana Hughes10
Baltimore Area2020Thomas L. Owsley12
Baltimore Area2021Jay Lenrow12
Baltimore Area 2022Barry F. Williams 12
Baltimore Area 2023Michael J. Huneke12
Baltimore Area 2024Pam Fleagle12
Bay-Lakes2018Allan Kieckhafer6
Blue Grass2017Timothy C. Brown14
Blue Grass2018E. Michael Warman14
Blue Grass2020Kennith D. Green14
Blue Grass2021Anthony B. Kenney14
Blue Grass2022Nathaniel Vick14
Blue Grass2023David Madison14
Blue Mountain2019General James N. Mattis1
Blue Ridge2016Russell Hoke Smart15
Blue Ridge2017A. King Dixon II15
Blue Ridge2018R. Bruce White15
Blue Ridge2019L. Leon Patterson15
Blue Ridge2020Dr. E.W. Rabon, Jr.15
Blue Ridge2021Everett Baker15
Blue Ridge2022Marshall Lee Brown15
Blue Ridge2023Micheal L. Thompson15
California Inland Empire 2023Robert J. & Loroselle S. Swartzel3
Capital Area2022Michael Files7
Capital Area2023Robert Earl Oatman7
Capitol Area2023Robert Earl Oatman7
Capitol Area 2024Billy J. Mikesh7
Central Florida2016Barrie Biss16
Central Florida2018Sean C. Osmond16
Central Florida2020Floyd A. White, III16
Central Florida2021Dr. Thomas Yuschok16
Central Florida2022William T. Litton16
Central Florida2023William Edward Cowles16
Central Florida2024Brad Evan Valdyke16
Central North Carolina2017William C. Cannon, Jr.15
Central North Carolina2018Jack S. Kepley, Sr.15
Chattahoochee2015Cpt. Frederic M. Sieg14
Chattahoochee2016Donald P. Schultz14
Chattahoochee2017Ingeborg Wills14
Chattahoochee2018Ted N. Whealton14
Chattahoochee2019Clifford E. Hillhouse14
Chattahoochee2020Martha Ward Evans14
Cherokee Area 2024John F. Jerman14
Chickasaw2016Buddy Burkett14
Chickasaw2018David A. Luechauer14
Chickasaw2018Henry Turley14
Chickasaw2019Lewis C. Williamson, Jr.14
Chickasaw 2023Jackson W. Moore14
Chief Seattle2022Billy Price1
Chippewa Valley2019David Raihle, Jr.4
Cimarron2017B. Dale Huse8
Cimarron2018John Keith8
Cimarron2020Fred G. Spellman8
Cimarron2021Dr. Jack W. Dillwith8
Coastal Carolina2017David Allen Coffey15
Coastal Carolina2018CPT Josh Nelson15
Coastal Carolina2019Kevin T. Kramer15
Coastal Carolina2022Arlene Barton15
Coastal Carolina2023Richard Edward Koehler15
Coastal Georgia2019James W. Holland, Jr. D.M.D14
Coastal Georgia2021Patrick T. O'Connor14
Coastal Georgia2022John S. Reese14
Coastal Georgia2023Billy C. Sanders14
Coastal Georgia2024Paul D. Meyer14
Conquistador 2023Jeremy Kern2
Crossroads of the West2021Michael Isom2
Crossroads of the West2022Brett Sutherland2
Crossroads of the West2024Val Criddle Parish2
Crossroads of the West (from Trapper Trails)2015Brent Christensen2
Crossroads of the West (from Trapper Trails)2016Robert K. Petersen2
Crossroads of the West (from Trapper Trails)2017Neil A. Butterfield2
Crossroads of the West (from Trapper Trails)2018Dennis W. Freeman2
Crossroads of the West (from Trapper Trails)2019Ange Workman2
Dan Beard 2023Matt Scherocman9
Dan Beard 2024Craig Robert Vollmar9
Daniel Boone2017Jack C. Cole15
Daniel Boone2018Richard B. Hurley15
Daniel Boone2019Kenneth Scott Page15
Daniel Webster2021Mark W. Hamel11
Daniel Webster 2022Michael C. Merry11
Daniel Webster 2023Andrew Diamant11
East Carolina2017B. Mayo Boddie, Jr.15
Far East2018Daniel Jay O'Neill1
Far East2021John Traylor1
Flint River 2022Richard Andrew McCall14
Flint River 2023C. Thomas Hopkins, Jr., MD14
Flint River 2024Doug S. Hollberg14
Gamehaven2020Marlowe Bennett4
Georgia-Carolina2020Robert Bolton, Jr.15
Georgia-Carolina 2022Maury Locke15
Golden Empire2015Gil Albiani3
Golden Empire2016Kay Albiani3
Golden Spread 2023William McCarty8
Grand Canyon2017Gary A. Smith, MD2
Grand Columbia2016Penny L. Sibley1
Grand Columbia2018Bruce C. Heiser1
Great Rivers2023Dr. Alan E. Hillard MD5
Great Rivers 2024Amanda Hayes5
Great Smoky Mountain2017Lamar Alexander14
Great Smoky Mountain2018Roy Kramer14
Great Smoky Mountain2019Helen Marie Conor14
Great Smoky Mountain2020H. Doug Ferguson14
Great Smoky Mountain2021Max Haston14
Great Smoky Mountain 2022Don Dare14
Great Smoky Mountain 2023Robert Parish14
Great Southwest 2022Richard B. Jones 2
Great Southwest 2023Dale Balmer2
Great Trail 2023Allen Fazenbaker9
Greater Colorado2023David Weaver2
Greater Hudson Valley (from Hudson Valley)2016Robert T. Armistead10
Greater Hudson Valley (from Hudson Valley)2017David E. Petrovits10
Greater Hudson Valley (from Hudson Valley)2018Sheriff Carl E. DuBois10
Greater Hudson Valley (from Hudson Valley)2019Kevin Foley, Esq.10
Greater Los Angeles2021Ross Arnold3
Greater Los Angeles 2022Gary W. Jones 3
Greater Los Angeles 2023Michael Birkholm3
Greater New York 2020Jan Schwartz10
Greater New York 2021Frank Rickenbaugh10
Greater New York 2022Martin Maher10
Greater New York 2023Hal Rosenfeld10
Greater New York 2024David Malatzky10
Greater New Yorks2017Johannes Knoops, FAAR, Assoc, AIA10
Greater New Yorks2019Andrew E. K. Yiannakos10
Greater St. Louis Area2015Richard H. McClure5
Greater St. Louis Area2016Thomas F. George5
Greater St. Louis Area2017Dr. Jeanne Sinquefield5
Greater St. Louis Area2018Paul T. Combs5
Greater St. Louis Area2020John Goodwin, Jr.5
Greater St. Louis Area (from Lincoln Trails)2018Richard A. Nolte5
Greater Tampa Bay Area2017James L. Ferman, Jr.16
Greater Tampa Bay Area2020Fraser Hale16
Greater Tampa Bay Area2021William Daggett16
Greater Tampa Bay Area2022Mark D. Rose 16
Greater Tampa Bay Area2023William E. Guglielmi16
Green Mountain2018Paul Stanilonis, M.D.11
Green Mountain2019John Hitchcock11
Green Mountain2020George Beach11
Green Mountain2021Richard Simays11
Green Mountain2023Richard A. Kent11
Green Mountain 2022Bradley M. Jenkins11
Green Mountain 2024Walter M. Morris, Jr. 11
Heart of America 2022Aaron Guest5
Heart of America 2023Zach Shafran5
Hoosier Trails 2024Mark E. Scherschel9
Housatonic2023Matthew Decho11
Indian Waters2021Carol Lee Caulk15
Indian Waters 2022Christian D. McDuffie15
Indian Waters 2023Jack E. Cohoon15
Jersey Shore2019Owen E. Heller13
Jersey Shore2020William F. Schmitz13
Jersey Shore2021Francis Thomas13
Jersey Shore 2022James McGuire13
Jersey Shore 2023Kurt D. Stofko13
Juniata Valley2018Mark A. Bonson13
Juniata Valley2019Mark Salvatore13
Juniata Valley2020William H. Port13
Juniata Valley2021William H. Port13
Juniata Valley2022Bruce E. Grinder13
Juniata Valley2023David L. Acker13
Juniata Valley2024Donald A. Reed12
Knox Trail2015Peter P. Casey
Las Vegas Area 2023Bruce Rowe2
Long Beach Area2019Paul Muehlebach3
Michigan Crossroads2020Michael Jedinak9
Michigan Crossroads2021Dennis Pate9
Michigan Crossroads2022Eric Welsby9
Michigan Crossroads (Great Lakes FSC)2017Jay S. Bottorff9
Michigan Crossroads (Great Lakes FSC)2020Earl Moorhouse9
Middle Tennessee2017Buford L. Reed14
Middle Tennessee2018John M. Green14
Middle Tennessee2019Ian M. Romaine, Ph.D.14
Middle Tennessee2020Phillip M. Pfeffer14
Middle Tennessee2022 John Lea14
Middle Tennessee2023Timothy A. Acree14
Middle Tennessee2024Karen Bengtson14
Mid-Iowa2017James Wissler II4
Mid-Iowa2020Terry Lebo4
Minsi Trails2014Elwood F. Laudenslager13
Minsi Trails2015Claude E. Kohl, Jr.13
Minsi Trails2016Edward C. Cool13
Minsi Trails2017Robert Klinger Smith13
Minsi Trails2018Rev. George F. Spieker13
Minsi Trails2019Dr. Nevin W. Cope13
Minsi Trails2020Clifford Wayne Oberst13
Minsi Trails2021Donald Sachs13
Minsi Trails2022David B. Binder13
Minsi Trails2023Claude Jay Rutan13
Monmouth2015Carl M. Marchetti, MD13
Monmouth2016Kurt M. Kalafsky, AIA13
Monmouth2018Bray B. Barnes13
Monmouth2022Spencer Morasch13
Monmouth2023Alvin L. Zach13
Monmouth2024Edwina Howell13
Montana2020Steve Dogiakos2
Mount Baker2022Sue Rhodes1
Mountain West 2023Bobby Carl Huffman1
Muskingum Valley2019Linda J. Udischas9
Muskingum Valley2021Chrystal Rardin9
Natchez Trace 2023Chauncey Godwin Jr.14
Natchez Trace 2024Mark Guyton14
National Capital Area 2022Kenneth P. Davis12
NeTseO ( Circle Ten)2017David M. Hamilton8
Nevada Area2017Edwin A. Ricks2
Nevada Area 2024Steven D. Mahoney2
North Florida2018Jeffrey Swindling16
Northeast Georgia 2024Lane Conner Bridges14
Northern New Jersey (from Hudson Valley)2020Howard Hellman13
Northwest Texas2015James T. Hughes8
Northwest Texas2017Harrison Gibson8
Old Hickory2019Jason Johnson15
Old Hickory2020Nathaniel Todd15
Old Hickory2021Danny Ledford15
Old Hickory 2022Randy Brown15
Old Hickory 2023Steve Tucker15
Orange County2018Jeffrey Evan Bozanic3
Orange County2020Elizabeth Morgan3
Orange County2022Deanna Westmyer3
Pacific Harbors2014Ed Zeiger1
Pacific Harbors2015Alan G. Spaulding1
Pacific Harbors2016Lesa LeDuc1
Pacific Harbors2017Gary Douglas Stedman1
Pacific Harbors2018Michael Movius1
Pacific Harbors2019Keith L. Clark1
Pathway to Adventure2015David N. Sheppard6
Pathway to Adventure2015Dr. Brad L. Epstein6
Pathway to Adventure2015Michael S. LoPresti6
Pathway to Adventure2015Teri L. Ross6
Pathway to Adventure2016Michael Tangen6
Pathway to Adventure2017Donald Harris6
Pathway to Adventure2018Joe Kruzan6
Pathway to Adventure2019Steve M. Towne6
Pathway to Adventure2020Sean Gertsch6
Pathway to Adventure2021Dr. Spencer A. Long6
Pathway to Adventure2022Sue Simmons6
Pathway to Adventure2024Richard D. Romani6
Patriots' Path2015John E. Hein13
Patriots' Path2016Brian R. Haas13
Patriots' Path2017Lawrence F. Rosello13
Patriots' Path2018Bill Smith13
Patriots' Path2020Susan P. Carter13
Pee Dee Area2017Diane Bauer15
Pee Dee Area2018Philip Bethune15
Pee Dee Area2019Edward Suggs, Jr.15
Pee Dee Area2021William L. Duffell15
Pee Dee Area 2022Barry Webb Jones, Jr.15
Pennsylvania Dutch 2024Glenn R. Achey13
Piedmont2019John Teeter15
Pine Burr Area 2022Carroll A. Palmore , Jr.16
Pine Burr Area 2023J. Houston Costolo, III16
Potawatomi Area2017Lucien Van Elsen6
Potawatomi Area2018James P. Murray, Jr.6
Potawatomi Area2019Kathlene Sisson6
Potawatomi Area2020Roger Mayer6
Potawatomi Area2021Donald Reinicker6
Potawatomi Area2022James Kieso6
Potawatomi Area2023Bethann Tompson6
Quapaw Area2014Dr. David Lloyd Briscoe8
Quapaw Area2020David Elmore8
Redwood Empire2016Richard C. Tallman3
San Diego - Imperial2020Daniel T. Mazzella3
Seneca Waterways2021Henry "Hank" Roenke10
Seneca Waterways2022Drew Hoselton10
Sequoia2017Richard M. Egan3
Sequoia2018Michael J. Feist3
Shenandoah Area Counci2021James Arthur Thomas, Jr.12
Silicon Valley Monterey Bay2019Hal Hendrickson3
Silicon Valley Monterey Bay2020Robert Redig3
Silicon Valley Monterey Bay2022William E. Jennings3
Simon Kenton2023Nancy Peto9
Spirit of Adventure2019Thomas P. Keyhoe11
Spirit of Adventure2020Brian Lobao11
Spirit of Adventure2021Raymond Theberge11
Suffolk County2021Carl Hyman10
Suffolk County 2022Phyllis E. Stein10
Suffolk County 2023Nicholas Russotto10
Susquehanna2022R. Jeffrey Coup13
Susquehanna2024Ethel Snook13
Tecumseh2017Daniel Kirkpatrick9
Tecumseh2018Angel Ashbeck9
Tecumseh2020Robert Hemmerly9
Tecumseh2022Elwin Spray9
The Spirit of Adventure2014Marshall M. Sloane11
The Spirit of Adventure2016Elmer C. Lupton11
The Spirit of Adventure2017John R. Halsey11
The Spirit of Adventure2018Robert L. Wanamaker11
The Spirit of Adventure2019Steven M. Burrill11
The Spirit of Adventure2022Bonnie Showstack11
The Spirit of Adventure2023James P. O'Brien11
The Spirit of Adventure2024Jerome P. Cross, Jr. 11
Three Fires2017Jeffrey D. Zavoral6
Three Fires2018John W. McKenzie6
Three Fires2019Cecil G. Piggott, Jr.6
Three Fires2020Herbert E. John6
Three Harbors2016Leland M. Kammerer6
Tidewater2020John Meade Scheib15
Transatlantic2019Keel L. Ross11
Transatlantic2020Mike L. Walton11
Transatlantic2021Paul J. Ostling11
Transatlantic2023David Fabie11
Transatlantic2024Patrick Hanlon12
Transatlantic 2022Dick Meijaard11
Twin Rivers2024Ethan A. Angell10
Virginia Headwaters2023Sandon Allen Knicely12
Western Los Angeles County2016Michael K. Lanning3
Western Los Angeles County2017Irv Goldring, Esq.3
Western Los Angeles County2018Albert Donald (Jack) Allen3
Western Los Angeles County2020Bill W. Norris3
Western Los Angeles County2022Jeff Frankel3
Western Los Angeles County2023Chuck Smith3
Western Massachusetts2014Jeffrey W. Glaze11
Western Massachusetts2015Cheryl D. Izyk11
Western Massachusetts2016John Willemain11
Western Massachusetts2017Joshua David Hall11
Western Massachusetts2020Joseph C. Longo11
Western Massachusetts2021Robert E. Walz11
Western Massachusetts 2022Juan F. Latorre, III11
Western Massachusetts 2023Steven P. Roberts11

Note: The indicated territory is as of the year earned and may not represent current territory to council alignment.