Purpose of Council Scouting Alumni Committees

The most important element of Scouting Alumni is the local council Alumni committee. That is where the action takes place.

Keep in mind that the local council is responsible for most of the different connection points individuals have with Scouting, whether it is a local Cub Scout pack or Scout troop, a chartered organization, or the council’s Scout camp. In each case, the local council is the key to those experiences and is, therefore, an integral part of building alumni support and interest. What is a Alumni Committee and what it can do?

Purpose Of Council Alumni Committees

The purpose of the council Alumni committee is to establish, promote, and enhance programs and activities that foster continued active engagement with Scouting on behalf of Scouting alumni, friends, and those who are currently active (both youth and adult participants). 

This purpose can manifest itself in many ways, including activities such as:

  • Spreading the word to nearby alumni and supporting a council camp alumni association event

  • Aiding all scouting units in securing a subject-matter-expert for unit programs

  • Sharing positive Scouting stories with alumni and the community at large

  • Providing networking opportunities for alumni

In sum, council Scouting Alumni committees are the support mechanism upon which the entire alumni program rests.

Relationship To Other Scouting Associations at the Local Level

There may be several local associations or groups already active and engaging alumni in the council. Examples include but are not limited to a council National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) committee, a camp alumni association, unit alumni groups, Wood Badge Alumni, and the Order of the Arrow.

These groups do not “report” to the council Alumni committee. Rather, the council Alumni committee coordinates and assists these groups in the following ways:

  • Coordinating events between all groups (it is suggested that members of specific associations have representation on the council Alumni committee to aid incoordination)

  • Assisting with keeping contact data up to date

  • Communicating group activities to internal and external audiences


Relationship To Scouting Alumni Committees

At the national level, Scouting Alumni is led by the national Scouting America Alumni committee. The national committee is organized into subcommittees that provide direction to the national programs of Scouting Alumni, coordinate national programs of Scouting Alumni, coordinate national alumni events and initiatives, and broadly manage the association.

National committee roles include the following:

  • The Scouting Alumni national chair, who is selected and confirmed by the Scouting America National Chair

  • Four vice-chairs selected by Scouting Alumni chair:

    • VC of Alumni Relations and Council Support

    • VC of Communications, Data, and Membership

    • VC of Finance and Strategy

    • VC and President of NESA 

  • Other voting Scouting Alumni committee members, appointed by the chair and confirmed by the committee

  • Additional non-voting Scouting Alumni key volunteers, appointed by Scouting Alumni vice chairs for service on their respective committees and confirmed by the national Scouting Alumni committee

  • The director and associate director of Scouting Alumni

  • Administrative staff

In sum, the national provides support to and coordination between all alumni groups, aid in alumni recognition, and most importantly, foster the sharing of ideas between local Scouting Alumni committees so that they can be successful. Each council committee, within the nationally established bounds, will produce a unique product that is tailored to meet the needs of its alumni.