Committee Administration and Rules

Each council Alumni committee may develop and formally approve a written set of committee rules to govern its operations. These rules should be reviewed annually and may cover topics such as meetings, chair appointments, activities, and dues.

In addition, Scouting Alumni requires that the following rules be incorporated into all council committee rules. No committee rule, policy, or procedure may deviate from or change in any manner a requirement in any of the Scouting Alumni current publications.

  1. Mission. The mission of this Alumni council committee is to support Scouting America Scouting Alumni and help them find purpose through the organization, empower Scouting Alumni-related affinity groups, and attract and retain all those positively impacted by Scouting America.

  2. Name and affiliation. The Alumni association committee shall be known __________________________

as Committee, ____________________________ Council No., Scouting America

and shall be under the supervision and the administrative authority of the Scout Executive.

  1. Officers.

    1. The officers of the committee shall be the Alumni council committee chair as approved by the council president and Scout Executive and designated subcommittee chairs as appointed by Alumni council committee chair and/or elected by Alumni committee members.

    2. Officers should not be younger than 21.

  2. Finances. All Alumni committee funds shall be handled through the local council service center and go through all normal council accounting procedures.

  3. Drugs and Alcohol Policy. Scouting America prohibits the use of alcoholic beverages and controlled substances at encampments or activities on property owned and/or operated by the Scouting America, or at any activity involving participation of youth members.