In 2008, the year of the Scouting America’s Centennial, the first national alumni committee was formed with the mission to identify and re-engage scouting alumni as we moved into scouting’s second century. The of building the alumni association began with outreach to local councils to encourage them to form alumni committees and providing training to help them do so.
As the years have passed, the number of local council’s with active alumni committees continues to grow. Successful alumni committees identify and re-engage adults who are reminded about what they loved about scouting, the values we believe in and teach, the comradery and the satisfaction that comes from watching and contributing the growth and development of our youth. Successful committees contribute to the council by adding to the pool of adults who are often ready to contribute from one or more of the three Ts: Time, Treasure and Talent.
Council alumni committees reach out to the scouting alumni in a variety of ways:
Partnering with other alumni groups in their council such as local NESA groups, council camp staff alumni groups, Wood Badge fellowships.
Mining council records for former registered uniform leaders, former board members, tiger cub parents etc.
Providing fellowship opportunities open to the community. See the events section of this guide for examples of appropriate events.
Keeping local media informed of scouting’s impact on the community
Maintaining an active social media presence.
As the number of committees have grown so has the number of alumni re-engaged. Re-engaged alumni benefit from their association with our organization and interacting with fellow alumni while provided additional support for the youth we serve.